Sewage Plants to be Set-up in 12 Schools by NDMC

Editorials News | Jul-21-2016

Sewage Plants to be Set-up in 12 Schools by NDMC

The New Delhi Municipal Corporation has decided to set up sewage treatment plants in 12 schools across Delhi. The size of these plants will depend on the space available. The treated water will be used to maintain horticulture around the premises.
The council is working closely with National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) to implement this plan, who has patented a Phytorid Technology, which uses an ecological method to treat water using specific plants, sand, gravel, rocks and soil as different layers.
NDMC chairperson Naresh Kumar said, “Many Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) are working successfully on this technology. We wanted to see the Phytorid Technology in action. So we visited two sites- one at Wapcos, Gurgaon and other site at Basava International School, Dwarka,”
He also said considering the lack of space, the only option left with the NDMC is to go in for small decentralized STPs in its area. The NDMC had earlier decided to construct 10 decentralized STPs on Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) model in Central Delhi.

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