Solar Energy Used in Homes

Editorials News | Jun-11-2019

Solar Energy Used in Homes

Solar energy is a renewable source of energy which has many benefits to offer. As we all know that our country is rich in sunlight. Since it is available in abundance, we have technology available to harness this energy in order convert it into electric power.

Solar power panels are used to absorb solar energy and convert it to electric power using the Photovoltaic (PV) effect. In India, mostly the homes are built with a roof or a backyard that can easily be utilized to install solar panels and produce electricity. A home solar system does provide electric energy which is sufficient to fulfill all the power requirements of a home. Not only this but it should also be capable enough to provide AC power because all homes usually use AC power to operate lighting systems, gadgets, appliances and equipment like computers, refrigerators, mixers, fans, air conditioners, TVs, music systems and others. The entire home solar power system is interconnected with adequate and appropriate cabling and wiring to channelize the energy into a usable form. However, a home solar power plant needs an adequate number of solar panels that can absorb as much solar energy as possible. Not only this but when exposed to direct sunlight a typical home solar panel produces about 300 watts in one hour that means in a normal day of summer with having 10 hours of sunlight, around 3000 watts or 3 kWh per day can be produced easily but this could vary with the number of hours of sunshine received during the day. This system needs a chargeable battery charged by the solar power generated and also can store electric power that can be used during night. The system also needs an inverter to convert the DC power generated to AC power to be used by the appliances or devices in the home. The PV cells absorb the sunlight falling on the solar panels and get converted into electric energy through the PV effect, by the silicon semiconductors which are in the form of DC power and can directly charge the battery. The DC power in the battery is sent to an inverter which converts it into AC power. This AC power is now sent to the mains in the home which in turn can power all necessary applications. The number of solar panels needed to generate the required AC power is to be calculated and based on the number of solar panels required, the availability of space to house the solar panels should be determined. The cost of the home solar power plant depends on its size and type. An off-grid home solar system is an excellent cost-saving feature if planned properly and is capable of returning the initial investment within the first 5 years of operation through savings in electricity bill. A grid-connected home solar system is both a cost-saving feature as well as a revenue earning system if planned with revenue earning as an objective. The home users can intelligently opt for more appropriate system depending on the circumstances prevailing in their localities. 

By: Anuja Arora


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