'Storm Chasers' On Mars Looking For Some Uncovered Secrets

Editorials News | Jul-23-2018

 'Storm Chasers' On Mars Looking For Some Uncovered Secrets

Scientists that have been observing the red planet from data collected by NASA's orbiters, the past month has really been quite taxing. Global dust storms is a phenomenon which causes a series of storms that creates a dust cloud so big that it completely covers the whole planet. This kind of phenomenon appears only every 6-8 years. This time is just 3-4 years for Mars Scientists still haven't figured out why or how these storms start and progress. This June, one of these phenomenon completely and rapidly engulfed the whole planet.

 The storm was small scale on May 30th but completely went global by June 20th. For Opportunity rover, this means that there was a sudden visibility drop. As  Opportunity runs on solar energy, scientists had to stop its activities so as to protect its batteries. There has been no response and data collection from the rover as of July 18th. The only positive side to the storm is that it acts as an atmospheric insulator which means that it protects Opportunity from much lower nighttime temperatures.

 Some scientists believe that it could be early September before the haze has cleared up and the rover again bounces back to its energy. Opportunity's solar panels will still be covered with dust for some time.


By: Neha Maheshwari

Content: https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=7192

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