Street Workout: A New Physical Activity Boost In The Fitness Regime

Editorials News | Jul-22-2018

Street Workout: A New Physical Activity Boost In The Fitness Regime

Street Workout is a physical activity that is done in outdoor parks and public facilities. It's origins can be traced back to Ancient Greece but became popular through Russia, Eastern Europe and US especially in New York. It is now slowly spreading to other parts of the world as well. The workout is a combination of athletics, calisthenics and sports. You can also refer to street workout as a modern name for bodyweight workouts that are out in the park. There are teams for street workouts and there are also some organized competitions available for those interested. The workout usually consists of exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, dips, muscle-ups, chin-ups and squats. It also consists of some static holds such as front lever, back lever, planche and human flag.

 It is divided into two groups: one is strength training and the other one is second dynamics. Strength training involves isometric holds like front lever, back lever, hefestos and many others. Dynamic include movements such as 360s along with its variations etc. There are also a lot of tricks that are developed by the athletes so as to create different routines and sets.

Here are some benefits of such workouts:


  • It is free.
  • They can be done done both indoor and outdoor.
  • No training or gym equipment is needed.
  • It is a social event.
  • It encourages healthy living.


By: NehaMaheshwari


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