Summer Rainfall Reduces Due to Deforestation

Editorials News | Sep-02-2016

Summer Rainfall Reduces Due to Deforestation


Researchers at IIT Bombay have found that deforestation in north-east India and north-central India has led to a 100-200 mm reduction in summer monsoon rainfall. This research was done using satellite data and regional climate models. Two time periods 1980 to 1990 and 2000 to 2010 is the satellite base data as the information of land use.

Oceanic sources play an important role in bringing rain and charging the soil with moisture through the early phase of monsoon. At the end of the monsoon period, evotranspiration from vegetation contributes to rainfall. Evotranspiration is known as the local moisture source of rainfall.

Recycled precipitation adds to 20%-25% of the total monsoon rainfall during the end of the monsoon. This is important in the Ganga Basin and north-east India.


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