The History of Ancient India

Editorials News | Oct-16-2017

The History of Ancient India

The Gupta age, also known as the golden period in the history of India, has left a powerful impact on India’s cultural heritage. So far, the Gupta Age has thus been a matter of unending debate in academic circles between the ‘nationalist’ and ‘Marxist’ historians. The diametrically-opposite views of this classical period saw ‘perfection’ as the keyword in all its activities.

There are various examples that can be seen through the legacy of the Gupta period whether it is the ‘unrustable’ Delhi Iron Pillar, Kalidas’ unmatchable poetical compositions in Classical Sanskrit or the gold coins of the Gupta dynasty.

The Gupta age was begun in 320 C. E. under Chandra Gupta.  He thus set into motion a mechanism which aided his son and successor, Samudra Gupta’s expansion of the Pataliputra-based kingdom into an empire.

Samudra Gupta’s supremacy saw massive military expansion (his gold coins hail him as ‘Parakramah’, the all-conquering one). However, he was soon followed by peaceful conditions in northern India after his all-conquering Ashwamedha ended with an all-around victory.

We have read all this in our school history books and it's true that Indian history has come across through various twist and turns. The Gupta age is one of them that have presented us a mixed picture of perfection along with several hierarchical divisions.


By: Priyanka Negi

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