The Mysterious Depths of the Ocean and the Colossal Creature It Hides

Editorials News | Sep-01-2018

The Mysterious Depths of the Ocean and the Colossal Creature It Hides

The average depth of the ocean is approximately 14,000 feet deep, and that’s a lot of space for all the mysterious, the mythical and all other creatures that one can imagine in-between. It is said that more than 90 percent of the ocean still remains unexplored, unseen and completely unknown to humans. Over the years there have been many explorations and during almost every new exploration instances of new species or new phenomenon has been discovered.

One such exploration, a camera project dubbed Operation Deep Scope, a team of explorer went to study the bottom of the deep ocean in the Gulf of Mexico by placing a non-obtrusive camera and to the amazement of the explorers with minutes of placing the camera a startling discovery was made. The camera recorded the image of six feet long squid that no one knew existed. That was the year 2004 and that was the biggest squid ever known at that time.

On the 25th of August two divers were looking for a good spot to go spear fishing in the south coast of Wellington, New Zealand, when they came across one of the most impressive creatures of the deep sea, a dead but fully intact giant squid most likely an Architeuthis dux that measured 4.2 meters or 13 feet long. There is yet another called the Colossal Squid or Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni, which can reach a height of 30 feet or 10 meters. Both these are formidable creatures of the ocean and people and scientists know very little about them, as these creatures are very elusive and rarely seen.


By: Madhuchanda Saxena


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