Understand The Tantrums Of Your Toddler In The Early Years

Editorials News | Mar-30-2019

Understand The Tantrums Of Your Toddler In The Early Years

When toddlers have frequent medical issues like lung infections, fever, flu, ear infections or tummy upsets, behavior problems may include lowered ability to focus and learn because of pain, discomfort, and side-effects of any prescribed medications. Invasive or painful procedures may result in trauma which may lead to behavior issues which are mentioned earlier.


Side-effects of medications can lead to an unusual rise in activity levels, increased aggressive behavior, headaches, and problems with dentition which can lead to feeding difficulties, more drowsiness and/or sleeplessness.


The above situations result in inattention and lack of focus, frequent screaming and inconsolable crying, withdrawal from social activity, lack of motivation and difficulties with feeding and other normal daily routines.


Parents will require to be patient and will have to identify the best time of the day for different activities. Parents can use activities like listening to music, stories and looking at picture books that the child may find calming. The child may also require stimulating activities at other times like playing with bubbles and balloons if they display withdrawal or lack of motivation.


Parents may also require to understand the problematic side effects of medication and discuss them with the pediatrician to find appropriate answers and strategies to deal with the issues. Some parents may also require to consult a dietician if feeding difficulties start to interfere with appropriate physical and motor development.


The above-mentioned parenting scenarios can trigger anxiety, aggression, withdrawal, defiance, and tantrums. Parents could also reach out to developmental therapists, early interventionists or child psychologist for discussing these issues. Anticipatory guidance can help parents to understand typical and atypical child development like they can understand the non-verbal requirements of their toddlers.


Mindful parenting to recognize inconsistencies in parenting and being able to identify which consequences are detrimental, harsh and harmful for the socio-emotional inner self of the child is very important. The significant learning in this is that the behavior of parents and their interaction can result in toddler difficulties and tantrums.


Therefore, underlying frustrations because of difficulties in verbal expression, the requirement for independence and environmental exploration, impulsivity, high energy levels, and environmental factors can lead to behavior issues. Mindful parenting, nurturance and tender loving care can successfully overcome these developmental hurdles.


By: Preeti Narula

Content: https://indianexpress.com/article/parenting/learning/early-years-understanding-toddlers-tantrums-parenting-tips-5635988/

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