US Now Ranks 27th for Healthcare and Education

Editorials News | Sep-30-2018

US Now Ranks 27th for Healthcare and Education

US is now ranking 27th in the world in terms of healthcare and educations. This is a steep decline from 1990, when it ranked sixth. The reason for decrease in education might be because of less and poorly allocated funds for elementary and high schools. US can experience a faster economic growth if it works on its education and healthcare policies. The new study was conducted by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluations (IHME) at University of Washington. Some countries ahead of US are Finland, Iceland, Denmark and Netherlands. This is a surprise because healthcare services in these countries are universal and publicly funded. The US is one of the few in the developed countries that don't have universal health care.

In terms of education, the statistics are much worse. One possible explanation for this is the decrease in US spending on elementary and high school education. When compared with other developed nations like UK, the educations spending rose by more than 25% from 2008-2014. Most improvement in healthcare and education was found to be in Turkey - where spending rose by 76%.

Other countries with significant increase in spending for education and healthcare like Turkey, China and Brazil also saw faster GDP growth in terms of per capita basis.

By: Neha Maheshwari


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