What do you know about NIOS

Editorials News | May-02-2020

What do you know about NIOS

The Government of India is usually taking initiatives to impart education to the remotest corners of the country since education is that the base of any country’s prosperity. There are tons of youngsters out there who are struggling to form two ends meet and hence don't have the time to travel to high school during the prescribed school hours. So for those that wish to continue their education alongside earning bread and butter for themselves and their family, a really basic step would be to urge a NIOS registration done.
What is NIOS and the way does it work?
It was within the month of November of the year, 1989 that the National Institute of Opening School or the NIOS was founded. This was an initiative by the MHRD or the Ministry of Human Resource Development and has been growing ever since. Through the NIOS, children from everywhere the country can register and pursue their education through a special mode of self-learning. Not only do i get to teach themselves at their own convenience but one also can explore a replacement method of learning, which lies outside the purview of classroom teaching. The most aim of the NIOS is to form sure that no child remains bereft of the access to education. Once you get a NIOS registration done then you'll be ready to access a spread of courses starting from General Academic ones to even community oriented, life enrichment and vocational education.
Benefits Of Getting A NIOS Registration Done
All those that need to manage a daytime job and continue with their education can now pursue their career by getting access to education any time they need.
There are a couple of students who wish for a rigorous training for the varied competitive exams which also are provided by NIOS.
The ones who have their NIOS registration done can easily access vocational courses and various life enrichment programmes which will cover all the aspects of an all-round education.
One will get tons of choices to select from and therefore the courses are available in several Indian languages.

By: Saksham Gupta

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