What Is The Real Essence Of Having A Global Outlook?

Editorials News | Aug-08-2019

What Is The Real Essence Of Having A Global Outlook?

In today's world where we often say that the world has become a Global Village, we also constantly speak about having a Global outlook. However, it is mostly heard amongst organizations that have their offices spread over several countries, business houses that are trying to do business with other countries, educational institutes that are trying to involve students in an international students exchange programme so on and so forth. 

They say it is important to have a Global Outlook, to be aware and be willing to accept and work with a difference. So that when you are out in a different country for project you slip yourself into the way the people of that country function without getting into a conflict or being rigid about your own way of working. It is about trying to learn the language while you are there so that you can mingle easily with the people who don't speak your own language. Or trying to acquire a taste for the food that they eat which is not part of your own cuisine without complaining.
However, does having a Global Outlook only mean business, monetary transactions and working with few countries with which we share mutual benefits?
Actually that is not what the real essence of having a Global Outlook is. We will often find people who are completely oblivious to what is happening around them. Their only concern revolves around their own bare necessities. These people focus only on earning a decent living and taking care of their families and remain completely withdrawn from whatever is happening around them. Then there are few others who consider them to be spiritual and believe that they have nothing to do with the outside world as they have taken up spiritual practices. Well in this scenario, neither of them actually have a Global Outlook. Global outlook is not only related to business expansion alone or about countries with mutual benefits favoring each other. It is time we realize that this is the only planet in the universe that we call home, and when we speak about global outlook, it means looking out for each other no matter what geo-political boundaries separates us. Likewise, being spiritual does not mean closing your eyes to whatever is happening around and trying to connect with the supreme consciousness.
Having a Global Outlook has a greater and deeper meaning to it. It is about looking beyond oneself, and trying to look at this world as one big global family. There are hundreds and thousands of people suffering, hungry, homeless all across the globe. It is about understanding that we are one big human family and that we need to reach out for each other. Our spirituality should be able to make us conscious of the needs of others. It is indeed the most crucial time for us to have a global outlook. If we take a look around us, the wars that are ongoing, the environmental devastations, the ecological imbalances, sickness, hunger and strife, all of these calls out for each of us to have an Global outlook so that we can mend ourselves and this only place in the entire universe that we call home.

Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make it a better place
For you and for me………. (Michael Jackson)

By: Madhuchanda Saxena
Content: https://www.speakingtree.in/blog/what-is-a-global-outlook-by-guruji-krishnananda

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