Why Zoo Have Bad Impact On Wildlife

Editorials News | Jan-24-2020

Why Zoo Have Bad Impact On Wildlife

We have different memories related to zoo. In our childhood we used to be very fond of going to zoo and wait for the lion to come close and leaning on glasses to see chimpanzees. Zoos were made basically to preserve wildlife and to save endangered species so they can reproduce and help them save their species. During the visits to zoo can be so over whelming and exciting for us but we cannot understand what those animals are going through who kept inside those cages. Whenever we visit a zoo we always lean on the glass to see a polar bear swimming or wait behind the barriers to see a tiger coming out of the cage.
Owner of the zoos always justify their reason to open zoos that they give a space to endangered species to live and allow them to reproduce. Afterwards they say they will leave those animals in the jungle but that’s not exactly how it’s happening. Sometimes, they trade those animals for money. Many animals in the zoo are being mistreated and tortured by people. Many of time a lot of animals starve to death. When wild animals are kept inside the cages by zoo and other parties like circus owner can have a direct impact on the health and wellness of those wild animals. And if zoo owner say that they will leave them back in jungle but are they ready and prepared for what they will face. They are not prepared to deal with problems they will meet in jungle like search of food, hunting and space for living. After being in the zoo for a very long time how anyone expects them to adapt with the atmosphere with jungle. How they will adjust with other thousands of species.
Many welfare associations are working on such issues like that. Visitors can be the factor that might make it more stressful situation for wild animal that have been caged by zoo. If zoo owner are doing this so save these endangered species, the main focus should be their mental and physical health with their wellness. They should keep them with total respect.

By: Sameer Arora
Social content: https://www.toptenz.net/10-reasons-zoos-bad-planet.php

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