Winter: Temperate Season!

Editorials News | Dec-24-2019

Winter: Temperate Season!

The term “winter” was derived from Proto-Germanic word wentruz, which probably means wet or wind. The Kwakiutl Indians of British Columbia take the names of their ancestors at the beginning of winter. They believe it will protect them from bad spirits.

Winter is considered as one of the most important seasons in India. It is a part of the four seasons that occur in India. Winters are the coolest days of the year that starts from December and last till March. The peak time when winter is experienced is mostly in December and January. In India, winters hold great importance. In addition, the essence it has is admired by many people. Winters give you the time to indulge in various activities like snowball fighting, building snowmen, ice hockey and more. It is a great time for kids to enjoy their vacations and get cozy in their blankets.

Ancient Roman midwinter festivals included the week-long celebration honouring Saturnalia, goddess of time and agriculture. Regardless of social status, people indulged in gambling, drinking, and feasting.
During Saturnalia festivity, role reversal happened wherein masters tended to their slaves.

Even when it does, it doesn’t get a bit hot. People long for a little sunshine as the cold weather sends chills down the spine. You see people on the roads burning woods and paper to get a little warmth. However, not many people prefer going out in winters. They like sitting by the fireplace or heater all day.

In the hilly areas, people experience snow during winters. They have to shovel it out of the way to make way for walking. The essence of winters is enhanced by Christmas as well. It sets the holiday mood for people and is admired all over the world.

By: Saksham Gupta

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