5 Books You Need to Read

General News | May-05-2021

Books You Need To Read

During the period of lockdown not just me but we all understood that the best way to keep yourselves entertained is to read books. Reading is the best hobby one can develop. It can keep you busy for hours. Today, I will give you 5 books we must read at least once in our life:

1. Harry Potter- by JK Rowling
We all know the book Harry Potter and many have also read the whole series (including me) but many just watch the movies and do not read the books, and some have done neither. Some people don’t read it because they think it so thick and some other personal reasons. The only thing I will say to those kinds of people is that when you will start reading you are going to get sort of hooked to it. So, I recommend giving it a shot.

2. Enid Blyton’s different series
Enid Blyton books are a few of my personal favorites. The author has huge series of books from novels to short stories. Some of her famous series are- The Famous Five and the Riddle series.

3. Lord of Rings- By J.R.R Tolkien
Middle Earth may be a wonderful, expansive fantasy world crammed with turmoil, heroes, evil, and innocence. though our protagonist Frodo Baggins’ quest appears not possible to complete, this trilogy is a tale of triumph within the most impossible circumstances.

4. Ruskin Bond books
Many people may know about Ruskin Bond. He is a British Descendant but is an Indian author. He writes amazing short stories in his huge selection of books. Many of his books are based on his life experiences and they give valuable life lessons. I recommend reading some of his books.

5. To Kill a Mockingbird- By Harper Lee
Published in 1960, this timeless classic explores human behavior and therefore the collective conscience of The Deep South within the first twentieth century. Humor entwines the fragile strands of prejudice, hatred, hypocrisy, love, and innocence to make one of the best novels ever written.

Those were my 5 recommendations of books that I am pretty sure you will enjoy reading. Now I wish to end with this quote:

“A room without books is like a body without a soul”

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