Cosmic Connections: A Spiritual Realm

Editorials News | Sep-20-2019

Cosmic Connections: A Spiritual Realm

Everything is connected to each other. That’s why I guess earth is round, so there is no such thing as a chance meeting. The people in your life do not come by chance or suddenly but because of cosmic connections.
“Cosmic connections are those people who come into our lives to help us develop and grow. These people are vital to our spiritual progression. They may come into our lives for a moment or a lifetime”.
The universe is as entangled and interconnected just like a spider’s web. Everything that happens in our lives affects everything else. While this can be a creepy forecast, but it can also be inspiring.
Your existence here on the material plane may not be your only experience of life, there is a reason that you still breath on this planet until that purpose is not completed your existence will never be gone. Many traditions believe that we have many lives and that, between those lives, we are in a spiritual realm. You existed before you were born and will continue to do so after you die.
While we are in that spiritual zone we get to make choices about our next life. Our souls choose what experiences we wish to have and what purpose we desire to achieve. We choose those things that help us to grow spiritually. And we choose the cosmic connections that will empower us to do so and attracts us in their way.
Cosmic connections are related to those people who come into our lives to help us in the development and growth. These kind of people will plays a vital role to our spiritual progression. They may come into our lives for a moment or a lifetime. Either way, they can change the course of our lives forever. They change the way we think and they make our thought process more meaningful.
Our cosmic connections is not all about being full of love and light. Often we learn as much from the difficult people or we can say a toxic one in our lives, as we do from the ones who are a pleasure to be around. Those we are cosmically connected to come into our lives to help us look at things in a new way, heal our pain and change direction.

By: Tripti Varun

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