DU to Start Classes This Week

Editorials News | Jul-18-2016

DU to Start Classes This Week

Delhi University will begin its new academic session from July 20. Classes for all three years will begin together. The university is yet to come out with its final cutoff list, which will be out on Wednesday, and the admission process will be completed by Friday, July 22. This year, the university is coming out with only five cutoff lists. After the final list, colleges with vacant seats will notify the status on the website and the university portal, course-wise and category-wise.
The college will prepare 3 merit lists of the candidates who have applied to the college online and notify those who are eligible. “If there is more than one applicant with same ‘Best Four’/PCM/PCB for only one seat in the course, then marks of aggregate of Class 12 will be considered. If these are also the same, then all such candidates must be admitted,” said the university notification.

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