How Protons Increase The Energy Levels of Quantum Particles

Editorials News | Jun-25-2018

How Protons Increase The Energy Levels of Quantum Particles

Quantum particles exhibit different behaviors. They are administered usually by the laws of physics which are sketched to exhibit what is happening at smaller scales by means of quantum mechanics. Quantum state properties are majorly different to those of classical states. Though the particles that find themsleves in a coherent state are not really in coherent state, these are usually in a kind of quantum state which behaves like a classical state.

Since their introduction by Erwin Schrödinger in 1926, the coherent state of particles is on the stage of discovering various applications in Mathematical, Physics and Quantum optics. Lately, a team of mathematical physicists from Togo and Benin, have called upon supersymmetry – which is a sub-discipline of quantum mechanics in order to explain the behavior of particles that have received a photon. These particles are subjected to particular potential energies which are termed as shape-invariant potentials. According to a paper published in EPJD, Komi Sodoga and colleagues affiliated with both the University of Lomé, Togo, and the University of Abomey-Calavi, in Cotonou, Benin, traced the details of their theory. These findings are pertinent to scientists involved into solving quantum optics and quantum mechanics applications. The authors observed that their new states are not distributed in the traditional way. The way the number of photons distributed varies from the distribution in conventional coherent states. Their work can find application in all models that satisfy shape invariance conditions for which an exact solution is available, such as 3-D harmonic oscillator, Coulomb or Morse potentials, etc.

By: Anuja Arora


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