Mel Chin Visualises an Underwater World in Times Square

Editorials News | Jul-18-2018

Mel Chin Visualises an Underwater World in Times Square

Mel Chin showcased her new works in New York's Times Square: Wake and Unmoored. The crowds gathered under the blazing sun just to witness her beautiful artistry. Wake is 60 foot tall animatronic installation while Unmoored is a mixed reality digitally interactive work. The pieces were seen with curious and eager eyes - one monumental and other one engrossing. Both of them are perfect for the crowd at Midtown Manhattan. The works are enclosed with history, innovations and the most dreaded climate change.

Wake portrays the evolution of the city of New York as a cultural hub and the history of slavery in the country. This work includes a wrecked ship along with a marine animal's skeleton with a figure that resembles Jenny Lind, who is a 19th century opera singer with performances based in New York. Her presence in the painting signifies the turbulent history of the slave ship.

Unmoored envisions Times Square submerged in water. You can view it with a Microsoft HoloLens being handed out or by downloading an app on your phone that can be help up to visualise the nautical world in the painting. The virtual sequence lasts for around 4 minutes and it shows how the body of Jenny Lind is propelled into the aquatic city followed by boats and marine animals filling the scene. The sequence just portrays the perils of rising sea levels that pose great threat to the world.


By: Neha Maheshwari






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