More Math And Science Teachers To Be Inducted Into teaching

Editorials News | Jul-16-2018

More Math And Science Teachers To Be Inducted Into teaching

The federal Government has planned that all high school would have to employ Science and math teachers, who have studied the subjects at university level. This is because it was found that 7 to 10 general science teachers in 2013 had not completed even a year of university study in that field. As per Education minister Simon Birmingham he hopes this will encourage more people to become skilled in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

This is to ensure that the students stick to math and science so that they continue with the same throughout their schooling years and hopefully into further studies to become skilled scientist and to have more people skilled in STEM. As teachers are employed at the state level, the Federal government will need the help of the states to make this plan a reality.  The Government also plans to use its funding agreements with the universities to create some pressure. It sure looks like a long road to find the right candidates who also have the patience and perseverance to deal with young students. It will be a challenge to entice quality people into this career, as teaching is not considered a very lucrative or fabulous option to choose. However, once someone gets into it is a very satisfying job.


By: Madhuchanda Saxena



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