Prevention: Sport Injuries

Editorials News | Oct-12-2019

Prevention: Sport Injuries

Sports injuries usually occur for two distinct reasons like trauma and overuse, and while traumatic sports injuries are usually obvious, like when we see a player fall down clutching their knee. Overuses of injuries often occur when the body is pushed back and its physical limits get displaced.
1. Set realistic goals
Our goals are realistic, achievable and sustainable. Whether your goal is to achieve more laps, uplift a given amount of weight or run for a specific distance, set an obtainable goal and gradually work to improve the weakness.
2. Plan and prepare
If you are planning to begin exercise regularly or want to begin a new program, you should fulfill your primary care provider and discuss the other options. Also, take your time to gain the proper techniques required for your program.
3. Cool down and Warm up
It is important to warm up before doing any physical activity as according to an analysis a heated muscle is less likely to be drawn. To implement this light walking or jogging is recommended before you start your exercise and help your muscles cool down slowly. Another important method to prevent injury is to increase your flexibility. This can be done by stretching before and after the workout.
4. Take your time
Don’t push yourself too hard and fast. Getting in shape or learning a new sport takes time. At this situation, when running, increase mileage regularly and give you a bulk of time to recover between workouts.
5. Listen to your body
Adjust your activities according to your body if your body is reflecting signs of too much stress. “While a mild and short-lived muscle ache is usually considered ‘good pain,’ pain in your joints is not normal and is a sign that you should cut back.”

By: Saksham Gupta

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