The Archaeological Wonder: Sun Temple, Konark!

Editorials News | Jan-10-2020

The Archaeological Wonder: Sun Temple, Konark!

The temples of India are unique for its rich architecture and therefore the interesting legends behind them. From devotees to travellers, these temples see a rush of individuals from every a part of the planet. The Konark Sun Temple is one such wonder which you'd find interesting. The name Konark derives from the Sanskrit words 'kona' and 'ark' which mean 'angle' and 'the Sun' respectively, and therefore the temple is devoted to Sun God Surya. Let's inspect a number of the interesting facts about this temple.
12 pairs of wheels and the 12 stone-carved wheels of the Konark Sun Temple represent the 12 months of the year. These wheels that are found at the bottom of the temple also show time. The spokes of the wheel form the form of a sundial. The exact time of the day are often calculated seeing the shadow cast by the wheels.
The Spokes of every Wheel Each structure inbuilt Konark Sun Temple represents the passage of your time. Each wheel here has 8 spokes, each representing a 'prahar' which may be a 3-hour period, adding up to 24 hours which may be a day.
Seven Horses the temple is formed within the sort of an enormous sun chariot. This chariot is drawn by 7 horses, which represents seven days of every week. UNESCO World Heritage Site The temple is one among the UNESCO sites in India for its unique model of antique architecture. It is also featured in various lists of Seven Wonders of the planet.

Depiction of Wealth and Power At the doorway of the Sun Temple, you'll find two lions at either sides of the doorway, that are seen crushing an elephant each. Beneath each elephant is a human being. Here, lion represents power and the elephant portrays wealth. The whole illustration symbolises the major problems faced by man in his life - money and power. The temple was also referred to as Black Pagoda or Kaala Pagoda by the ecu sailors, because the temple was dark in colour and a serious landmark for the sailors. Sculptures of Daily Pursuits of Life just like the temples of Khajuraho; the Sun Temple at Konark also has an abundance of sculptures that depict Kama, artha, dharma and moksha that are the four major pursuits of life.

By: Saksham Gupta

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