Journalism Through The Eyes of FairGaze
Assistant Editor | 04 Jan, 2022

Journalism is the process of gathering and presenting factual information. This information can be used to transmit the story to the public and create a record for archival purposes. This can be done by print, digital, television, photography, and other alternative mediums.
One of the most important elements of journalism is that it relies on first-hand accounts, research, and quotations, and factual information. Reporters and other creators of journalists work and investigate by searching primary source material and talking to eyewitnesses and others involved in the story.
Journalism covers news from several angles. Events happen in which news editors know their target audience would want to inform of, for ex.: accidents and natural calamities. And there are regular events, planned activities that are newsworthy, such as country commissioners meeting at the football stadium.
Importance of Journalism:
Journalism doesn't have only one sole purpose. Informing society to become well informed and providing them with reliable information is incredibly important. There is another duty of journalists to disseminate accurate news to the public, true sources without being biased or taking sides.
Journalists are counted on the supply of a wide range of information from political to technology news. All walks of people rely on the work of journalists to keep the knowledge about the world on various topics. With the advancement of technology, all the news is being available on phone, society is able able to read journalists’ work anywhere they go. This opens the channel of knowledge and education to anyone willing to embrace it.
How to write a good report:
Nowadays anyone can write anything and pass it off as news. News channels can hire any average person to write their news and fill the pages. To catch the audience's attention, a good story needs to be thought-provoking and informative. Journalists use all their skills to write a good report that enlightens the public but inspires them to learn more.
Readers show their interest if that story has more relevance to their life than something that does not. It is emotionally and geographically, it is also important to prove how it is relevant to the readers or not. You can also add detailed facts, statistics, or even opinions.
Details and Context:
Journalists can rely on detail to help them provide their audience with something concrete to grasp. Instead of overloading the story with facts, details can help pinpoint the right facts that should be the focus. Mixing both context and details guarantees a strong finished piece.
Journalists’ ethics and standards:
After having so many debates about ethics or conflicts of interests, many journalists shaves discovered ethics and worldwide. Some principles help provide journalists with a structure to follow for self - regulations.
Truth and Accuracy:
Truth is the most important element when it comes to writing the report. This is the reason why truthfulness and accuracy make up one of the most important standards in journalism ethics. The writers need to correct them most accurately and truthfully possible.
Considering Slander and Libel:
Libel and written defamation of character is something that journalist needs to stay away from. It damages the reputation of the writer or the publication they work for. Many companies do have libel insurance to cover their writers to save them from lawsuits.
Another factor that plays a very important role in the field of journalism that is used very frequently nowadays to get more viewers or advertising numbers is sensationalism. There are many tactics to do this by hiding some of the factual information, purposely being controversial, engaging emotions being dull-witted.
Media Biased:
Media bias comes when the media shows some favoritism in the selection of events and news. There are many watchdog groups internationally that help to detect and media report bias out of the industry.
FairGaze, the largest K- 12 Media has conducted journalism and online newsletter training atS.D. Public School, Pitampura, New Delhi on 30th August 2019 in the school premises by the Assistant Editor of FairGaze, Ms. Bhavna Sharma. Here, she interacted with PROs and student journalists of S.D. Public School and taught them about journalistic ethics and standards. The trainer also discussed the Online Newsletter and how to write a good report. In the workshop, they discussed the news element that is needed while writing for the online newsletter. Also, how to earn and represent as a journalist of the school, and how to improve their written and oral communications were discussed. Pros and cons of the Journalism field were also a concerned sub-topic that was discussed.
By: Lakshender S. Angras
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