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Internet- Source of Information

Internet- Source of Information

Anubha Das

17 Dec, 2016

The influence of the internet as a source of information and dissemination became obvious once the web became the primary source of data in general. This large global network has provided a connection to all kinds of people.

Due to this, the flow of ideas has resulted in a flood of open gates, letting the thirsty access a wellspring of information. Developing an effective search strategy, as well as separating the world from an age of information manipulation, are some of the many difficulties brought by this information explosion.

Internet is the invention of modern and high technology science. It provides us amazing facility of searching any information from any corner of the world by anyone.We can connect more than one computer to each other using this internet in order to easily access information from any connected computer from one place.

Internet has made life very easy & simple. Students can Google about all their doubts and confusions. There is a lot of information available on the internet out of which only a few are authentic. An individual can search any needed information for their studies.

Even though there is numerous positive aspect of Internet, there are some shortcomings of internet too. After all technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master. Information might not be age appropriate which would lead the students to unwanted information. Internet can also misguide sometimes.

It is the work of an elder to make a student understand the correct worth of internet. They should be aware of the sites to get to for the information. The internet is becoming the town square for the global & modern village of tomorrow. With internet every information is free.

Internet as Source of Information

One of the internet's most distinctive features is its mere availability. With the internet, there is a constant flow of information with its unmatched variety that is not only closely intertwined but also spans across borders. Unlike the sources of knowledge that people usually use, which include books and encyclopaedias, the internet offers an almost unlimited database for knowledge and information, with updates and additions that keep happening from time to time. This wealth of information can dominate over factual materials, ranging from academic research to historical cases, with more practical ones like instructions and personal experiences on top of everything.

Accessibility is a key factor in the internet's reputation as a reliable source of information, given its widespread availability. Not requesting to travel overseas for lengthy periods of time anymore, the internet has made it possible for everyone who is connected to the world wide web to exploit their full potential right from their homes with just a click or two. This education is a new modern era that has brought up innovation in teaching people, and anyone anywhere separating the classes has been allowed to edifice their own school and acquire knowledge on the topics that they are passionate about, do personal development, or learn what interests them the most.

As a result, the Internet helps to improve the immediacy of communication and interactions. Because people are able to exchange their expertise and experience even with traditional barriers of geography and culture. Social media devices, through online forums and collaborative websites, function as a centre where individuals share ideas, look for advice, and enjoy enriching activities.

The internet is great because it lets you find the newest information on any topic right away. It's always being updated, and you can learn about anything without anyone knowing who you are. From the happenings of global news to scientific discoveries, which are stored in cyberspace, the Internet forms a life-time store that captures humanity's evolutionary processes.

The Growth of the Information

One of the greatest features of the internet as a source of information is its power to democratise knowledge, as people can learn much about these subjects in simple ways outside the boundaries of traditional schools and classrooms.

University research papers, online classes, homegrown materials, and video tutorials are a few of the public areas with an internet connection that can be accessed thanks to the internet. Nowadays, people have the opportunity to follow their interests and discover new subjects. This results in gaining a better understanding of the world as we know it with easy access to information.

The internet is really cool because it lets people who live far apart talk to each other, ask questions together, and share their thoughts and experiences. It's like a big virtual meeting place where everyone can share ideas easily.

The 24/7 data flow provides the power to destroy prejudice, level up understanding of cultures, and pave the way for humanity’s exploitation of knowledge.

The Levelling of the Content Creation Playfield

People around the globe are presently able to give feedback to everybody and even contribute their input to the field of information that's growing rapidly. This has also led to increased accessibility for the creation of content.

Previously marginalised people now have a global following to offer their experiences, knowledge, and thoughts as a result of websites, social media, and blogging by ordinary users. Universities and news outlets, which used to be the established gatekeepers of information, have been threatened by the increasing number of platforms that enable the dissemination of alternative tales, special interests, and grassroots movements.

However, it is not possible to say that the information environment has been improved by the democratisation of content generation without taking into account those new problematic factors, such as checking the veracity and authenticity of user-generated content. The people are supposed to be media literate and critical thinkers. The simple fact that anyone can publish information online has led to the proliferation of fake news, conspiracy theories, and biassed views.

Overwhelmed by Data: Overcoming Obstacles

"The problem is not that there is too much information, but that there is too little context." Yuval Noah Harari

Although people are more knowledgeable than ever before because of the internet, there is a new problem that has emerged: information intoxication. Individuals are becoming less skilled at evaluating and clarifying the massive amounts of data that bombard the internet nowadays.

Today, with so much information available, it's tough to figure out what's real and what's fake. There are tonnes of fake news stories, conspiracy theories, and made-up stuff floating around. It's a big problem because if you don't know how to tell what's true and what's not, you might believe something false without even realising it. This can mess up your thinking and influence the decisions you make.

It's not just that there's more fake stuff out there now; it's also easier for it to spread, especially online. The internet lets ideas travel really fast, and sometimes people only see things that agree with what they already think. This can make it hard for them to see the full picture or understand complicated issues.

Possible Inaccuracies and False Information

The internet as a source of information is enriching and enlightening to most users. It provides a wealth of information, but it also presents misinformation and disinformation as new threats that pose serious issues to individuals and society at large.

Insufficient verification in order to hype up the circumstances or a lack of control due to the quick spreading of the information across the digital platforms can propagate inaccurate or inappropriate information, also called “misinformation.” Unsurprisingly, deception engines deliberately fabricate or push fake information to mislead, warp minds, and provoke conflict.

Misinformation and disinformation have gone viral on the internet and brought a myriad of problems, like mistrust, racial stereotypes, and social and political divisions. It is a necessity for users to enhance their thinking skills, media awareness, and awareness of manipulations and frauds while surfing the web.

Digital Literacy and Its Importance

The ability to use digital literacy to ethically and efficiently cope with the online world has greatly increased as the internet has become a major source of information.

Digital technology encompasses more than just the tools we use—it also involves understanding social, legal, and ethical aspects, as well as information literacy. Information literacy means knowing how to find, judge, and use information you find online.

Additionally, effective communication and collaboration are crucial skills in the digital world, where people often work together online. So, being savvy about technology isn't just about knowing how to use it; it's also about understanding its broader implications and how to navigate them responsibly.

People should be able to perform such actions as careful research, evaluation of their sources, and lesson’s integration from the information found on the Internet to get a deeper understanding or to use this for a productive goal. Another great thing about digital literacy is that you can properly and ethically participate in online groups, have quality conversations, and share information.

Role of Educators

Now more than ever, in a world where information floods us every day, it is our educators’ and information workers’ duty to help people comprehend and take advantage of this new digital reality.

It is teachers' utmost responsibility to ensure that students are able to evaluate information precisely, find reliable sources, tell the truth from lies, and build their own arguments guided by the findings. To ensure students are making the transition from traditional digital education, teachers must teach students how to critically analyse information themselves and actively seek it out.

Likewise, research specialists, whose area is information science, play a big role in compiling and organizing materials on the web, teaching users search skills, and providing tools for accurate and high-quality information search. 

They have the potential to empower people by teaching them how to navigate the vast ocean of the internet effectively. Instead of just feeding them information, they can equip them with the skills to search for and find what they need. By providing access to reliable studies and ensuring people are aware of all aspects of a topic, they can help individuals make informed decisions and form well-rounded opinions.

Technology Applications for Data Problem Resolution

The proliferation of online disinformation and the challenges of the age-old problem of misinformation have been both a result and a solution to the immense power of technology in the digital world.

Technological advancements do not only deliver information fast but also make it possible for everyone to communicate with more people, and they also lead to more people and knowledge being accessible. The rapid generation, change, and transfer of digital tools and means of information production across numerous digital platforms has paved the way for the rapid circulation of false and distorted information.

Technology is and has been considered the main tool in responding to these issues, in particular those concerning reliability and quality of information. Finally, emerging technologies such as blockchain, AI, and ML may someday assist with the authentication, verification, and curation of online content so that people can learn to make better decisions and handle the digital world more carefully.

It becomes imperative for a school to bring in these tech solutions into the scope of information literacy courses and the curriculum so that the students become better researchers and users of information by teaching them to recognise tendencies of skews and flaws in the data they see online.

The Future of Information Dissemination: The Internet's Role

The side effects and future behaviour of this dynamic ecosystem should be envisioned, as the internet as a source of information remains the driver of how people access, consume, and share information.

Centralised technologies and platforms, for example, blockchain, have a real potential to enrich and extend the concept of democracy and the internet as a decentralised information system, making internet users more independent.

 Such shifts of responsibilities from top leaders to individuals also encourage a very positive phenomenon where new ideas will blossom in the information ecosystem, hence making it strong.

AI and machine learning are advancing rapidly and could bring about a major shift in how we use the internet. As these technologies develop, search and discovery online are becoming more intelligent and personalized to each individual. This means that finding information online will become smarter and more tailored to what each person needs. These technological advancements have the potential to help tackle the problem of information overload by providing people with tools to find and engage with trustworthy sources more easily.

Besides that, other emerging technologies like VR and AR might doubtlessly transform our way of seeing and interacting with the information on the web of the future. This may thus open up new territories for cooperation in knowledge sharing, problem-solving, and the processing of complex, multi-dimensional information.

Also Read: Social and Emotional Learning Program For Students

Final Thoughts

There is no doubt the way we read, look at, and share our data with each other goes through huge changes with the Internet moving more and more like an endless stream of information. This digital age is a 21st century phenomenon that contains everything: exciting opportunities in education, a great potential for the expansion of human knowledge, and innumerable obstacles to be solved with the least effort possible.

In order to fight issues like information saturation and fake news and to spread digital literacy, everyone—people, teachers, librarians, and even lawmakers—has a duty to cooperate. To truly utilise the internet for good information, we call for critical thinking, media literacy, and dedication to lifelong and responsible online engagement. This will bring about a new generation of learners who are knowledgeable, self-directed, and can share their knowledge in the global 
