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All Day Time Table for 9th & 10th Standard: Carpe Diem

 All Day Time Table for 9th & 10th Standard: Carpe Diem

Assistant Editor

08 Mar, 2019

If you want to achieve anything you need to stop waiting and start acting on some kind of a plan so as to reach your goal. Start working on your time table. Start marking what is important and says "yes" to all that is important and obviously say "No" to what is not. Seize the day with efforts and vigor. 

Time management is the most important tool for achieving success not just in schools and colleges, but this habit when inculcated from a very young age will benefit one in every sphere and phase of life. For most of us, studying is a difficult endeavor and we often find ourselves procrastinating until we reach a stage where we have very less time and are plagued with worry and stress. Hence good time management and a strong resolve to adhere to time will help students of all ages and greatly improve their academics, or for that matter in any field that they choose. 

Plan a roaster for the day. When one follows a study schedule it helps to better retain material, manage time, prepare in advance and also helps stay focused and improve concentration. 

High school is perhaps the most important time in the life of young people. It also happens to be a very tumultuous time as well. It is time when the plate is full of stuff to do, making friends, hanging out, trying new hobbies, learning new advanced material and preparing to go out into the real world. It is the time when teenagers learn valuable skills for life through attendance, schedules, class works, home works, preparation for exams, and in the process they learn perseverance, self regulation, and other skills that will become the backbone for adult home and work life.

So let’s try plan a time table that will help to utilize the day in the best possible manner and one that will also allow adjusting the time to suit individual requirements. 

So how much time should one spend on studies per week?  30 hours a week ideally are a lot of hours and can be well adjusted to cover the tuition time, extra classes if any. 30 hours would average to more than four hours a day not counting the school hours. It’s more than enough to comfortably spend enough time for all the subjects. However, before we get down to setting time for studies there are certain other aspects that are of great importance.

First of all good sleep is a must. With the new technology it is very easy to get distracted with all the latest gadgets and all the entertainment available online it becomes difficult to keep track of time and teenagers these days don't get proper sleep as they keep awake till late at night. This definitely needs attention. A good 7-8 hours sleep in a must to keep the mind fresh and alert. This should be followed with some form of physical exercise regime, it could be engaging in any kind of outdoor sports or some dedicated time for physical exercise like walking or yoga. To keep away the monotony of studies one needs to learn at least one new creative thing every week. Reading is a hobby that not only invigorates the mind but also gives the opportunity to learn about new things. Take regular breaks from study time to avoid boredom. Try and learn to handle multiple subjects and use different and innovative methods of learning.  All of these should be fuelled by the passion to succeed and this will be possible only by being organized and disciplined. 

To get started 5:30 am is a good time to get up and the first thing to do after freshening up is to have a warm glass of water with a slice of lemon to kick start the body metabolism, followed by a fruit and go for a morning walk or engage in any other form of exercise like yoga till 7:00 a.m. Then it will be time to have a shower have a healthy breakfast and get ready for school, which mostly happens to be the norm. From 8:30 am to 3:00 is usually the school time. 3:30 to 4:00 once back from school is the time to have some kind of healthy snack. From 4:30 to 5:30 if there is not tuition classes to attend this time can be utilized to finish any pending work or any home work. From 5:30 to 6:30 take a break and relax with family as the body and mind needs time to unwind. From 6:30 to 8:00 is an important slot to study a subject that needs special attention. Try to understand the basics, prepare notes, and make diagrams or tables as the subject demands. This is the time to really work on one particular subject, Monday to Friday, each day of the week. Understanding one concept thoroughly each day it’s a big step in the right direction.8:30 is dinner time, enjoy with your family. From 9:00 to 9:30 post dinner spare some time to follow a hobby, it could be strumming a guitar, doing something for a social cause or maybe writing a blog. They say, if you want to develop a skill for your lifetime practice it for 15 minutes every day, so use this time after dinner to develop a skill of your liking. Before going to bed at 10:00 use the last 30 minutes of the day to study something that you need to memorize. It is said when you study something or memorize and sleep over it the subconscious mind works on it and one will be retained in memory.   One should go to bed latest by 10:30. On Saturdays and Sundays, when there is no school, follow the usual routine but post shower and breakfast it is the  most important study time from 9:00 am to 12:00. If there is any project that needs to be done, any subject that has not been addressed or any test to prepare for that is the time to prepare for the same. If you take on the challenge first thing in the morning it is easy grasp it and the rest of the day goes smoothly. Take a short break from 12:00 to 12:00 and continue with the studies but study something different than that you were studying till now. 1:00 to 1:30 is lunch time so have a healthy sumptuous lunch. Post lunch it’s good to engage in some online research, study or simply send some time on social media and catch up with friends. Have a nap, get up by 3:30 call a friend for joint study session or work on something that you need to finish, maybe an assignment. If there is any assignment that needs submission later, try working on them on weekends. Follow these schedules; tweak them as per your requirements.  Try something new, maybe cooking or gardening. However, during weekends take time out to meet friends, socialize and try to keep away from social media. It is important to have real interactions and not just virtual.


By: Madhuchanda Saxena
