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Hey Children! Find out All Nutritive Fruits for Summer

Hey Children! Find out All Nutritive Fruits for Summer

Bhavna Sharma

09 Mar, 2018

Scorching summer is approaching and children are going to enjoy multitude of tasty fruits. Summers are accompanied with dehydration,vitamin and mineral deficiencies and skin issues. Drinking water is one thing but fruit juices, smoothies and eating fruits can energize and hydrate a child’s body instantly. These fruits not only complete the requirement of water but also fulfill the nutrition required to stay healthy and happy.

The watery watermelon will replenish lost fluids from the body of children. It is a good source of vitamin A & C. Also, water melon has lycopene thus protecting from skin damage. Freshly cut pineapples will provide vitamins, antioxidants and enzymes like bromelain. It keeps a child away from inflammation and provides glow to the skin. The most favorite of children; king of fruits ‘mango’ is loaded with Vitamins A, C and cancer preventing beta carotene. Therefore, involve mangoes in curd, milk shakes,purees, etc. to enjoy season of mangoes. Pulpy Papaya will boost immune system by its cold fighting agent Vitamin C. It is also packed with Vitamin E and beta – carotene to reduce inflammation.Luscious berries contain flavonoids providing children with benefits of antioxidants. Eating berries this summer will improve texture of skin. Juicy Kiwis are a great start for summers. They have Vitamin C and E, potassium and fibers.Peaches and plums are also going to make their way in fruit market. Both of them are a good source of Vitamin C, beta carotene and antioxidants.

So, children should not miss an opportunity to grab and eat these fruits to stay healthy and happening forever. Eat summer fruits daily and say goodbye to all illnesses and skin problems.

