If You See Something, Say Something
Anubha Das | 29 Dec, 2016

Bullying is when someone says mean things to someone face to face or in a social network. Most of the time it happens in the social network because kids think that by making fun of someone in a social network site won’t get them into trouble.
In the last few years, awareness about bullying has increased dramatically. It doesn't stop at the schoolyard or even a child's front door. Access to the Internet and social media websites mean kids can be bullied and tormented around the clock, even in the supposed safety of their own homes. The cruelty that can come with the strike of a button on a keyboard can hurt just as much as any punch or push in a playground.
The thing that we can do if you are being bullied is that we should look at the kid bullying and tell him or her to stop in a clam & clear voice. Sometimes a person is not able to speak up because the situation seems to be not safe. In that case we should always walk away & stay away. We should talk it out with an adult and not fight back instead.
If courage is fire then bullying is just a smoke. So, we should always stand up against bullying.
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