On Keeping a Notebook
Anubha Das | 07 Oct, 2016

Introducing & practicing writing atschool can foster confidence & a long life love for writing. Writing is an essentialskill that can do well for the students for the rest of their lives. Writingskills are very important for students as it improves communication & self-expressionamong students. Through journalsand personal story writing, students can find out their identities and workthrough real-life problems. Students whohave flair in writing are the conscious dreamers, who connect to theworld around them, both on and off the page.
There are various career paths that followswriting, like content writer, creative writer, book author, & so on. Thebasic course that students count on is English Honours that are offered by almostevery university.
The plain idea is to write, writing isthe painting of the voice. And the secret of improving our writing is to write,write & keep on writing.
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