Overcoming Distractions While You Study
Tanvi Minocha | 20 Jul, 2016

With the rise in digital technology, the human attention span has shortened from 12 seconds to 8 seconds in more than a decade, a recent study by Microsoft Corporation has found.
All students face the problem of distraction when they sit to study. They start studying, but often their thoughts wander away. They may think about irrelevant things, and in turn, end up wasting their time.
There are certain things you can do to avoid these distractions, such as:
- Put away the possible modes of distraction: When you start with your homework/study, make sure all electronic devices, like your mobile phone, laptop, PC, television and alike, are switched off, or on silent mode. Turn off the internet connection, and if you have to study from some online sources, download them or save them beforehand.
- Ask people to give you some privacy: Your parents, relatives and friends can come into your room and start talking to you. If you have already told them that you will be studying, they would not disturb you.
- Get eight hours of sleep every night: Yes, as a student, you have a lot to do, and you feel that your work is more important than sleep. But your mind & body need adequate amount of rest. If you fail to do so, your concentration level is affected.
- Organize yourself: You are more likely to be distracted when you have quite a number of things, and while you are at one thing, you get tensed about the others. If you make yourself a schedule and follow it, there is quite a possibility that you will complete all tasks in due time.
- Relax: Take a deep breath whenever you feel the urge of stopping your work in the middle. These urges last only for a short while, and can go away by this easy step.
Our world is full of distractions. Therefore, you will have to make constant and deliberate efforts to stay on task.
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