Movies Encourage Social Evils
Assistant Editor | 16 May, 2024
![Movies Encourage Social Evils](/images/UploadedImages/thumbs/0268339_0268339_movies-encourage-social-evils.jpg)
The question of whether movies encourage social evils including violence, crime, drug usage, and other bad habits has been hotly debated for decades.
Entertainment is an important part of human life. Important because it brings people together, it is a wonderful way where family and friends bond. Human beings from ancient times have tried to find ways and means to entertain themselves after a hard day of work to unwind. Back in old days, people would entertain themselves through sports, music, or theatre. Entertainment is important as it helps break the monotony of everyday activities which can at times feel like a burden. Entertainment helps relax, refresh, and take the mind off from worrying about the things that are to be done. Most importantly entertainment brings happiness, which is fundamental to the well-being of a person. Happy people are healthy and more productive. Happiness can even reduce stress and tensions. An hour or two of entertainment makes a person forget all about their anxiety, worries, and troubles for that time being.
Do Movies Encourage Social Evils?
There are many who contend that film has the ability to normalise and glorify bad behaviour, therefore encouraging young viewers to imitate what they see on screen. Others counter that films don't really promote society; rather, they just operate as a mirror to look at our imperfections.
Those in the former group cite a profusion of films that appear to celebrate drug use, criminal activity, gratuitous violence, and other unpleasant qualities. From action pictures with body counts that rival minor wars to crime thrillers that make breaking the law seem thrilling, they contend that regular exposure to such material can desensitise viewers and even encourage copycat behaviour, especially among young people still forming their moral compass.
Given the possible sway of the media, this viewpoint makes sense. Should viewers be inundated with glamorised representations of bad behaviour, some of them could start to regard such behaviour as normal or even desirable. The opposing argument, however, is that this perspective is unduly simplistic and ignores the complex function that films play in society.
Supporters of this viewpoint contend that films expose terrible realities that already exist rather than creating social problems. Through narrative that raises these concerns to the fore, film offers a forum for discussion and reflection. Not endorsing such situations, impactful films on subjects like racism, poverty, addiction, and structural injustice seek to increase knowledge and consciousness.
Moreover, a lot of people would contend that viewers are intelligent enough to tell fact from fiction. Good moral viewers are unlikely to abruptly adopt criminal lifestyles just because they saw a movie that showed illegal activity. A kind of catharsis, films let viewers to go through tense situations in the security of a movie theatre without having to try to replicate them.
It's also crucial to think about the creative worth and cultural relevance of films that tackle difficult themes. Several of the most well-known and famous films have tackled difficult social problems in brutal, uncompromising stories that don't hold back. Such important artistic manifestations could be dismissed or censored as a threat to free expression and honest communication.
In the end, it would be a broad generalisation to say that all films promote social problems, even if there may be some extreme instances of films celebrating unethical behaviour. When well-written and seen responsibly, films may be a potent tool for criticism, instruction, and even constructive change. Movies force us to face hard realities and work towards a more enlightened world by reflecting back to us the shortcomings of society.
The history of filmmaking is not very clearly defined. However, on the 28th of December 1895, the Lumiere Brothers screened ten short films in Paris and that can be regarded as the real breakthrough of projected cinematographic motion pictures. Though earlier others had tried their hands those lacked the quality or the momentum that the screenings of the Lumiere Brothers, which were a worldwide success. Soon many people jumped into film production all over the globe. Within a decade the motion pictures moved from being a novelty to an established mass entertainment industry. The early movies made were black and white and without any sound.
Slowly new film techniques were introduced, like the use of artificial lights, fire effects, and low-key lighting. The films grew longer and writers were employed to simplify complex stories from famous novels to make them shorter enough to be able to contain one reel without losing the essence of the original story but at the same time easier for the audience to understand. Soon different genres began to be used as categories, mainly comedy and drama but these further got subdivided.
The real breakthrough came with the "talking pictures" or "talkies" which included synchronized dialogues. By the early 1930s, talkies became a Global Phenomenon. Though in many parts of the world it took time to take root, however, in India sound was the transformative element that led to the rapid expansion of the Indian Film Industry.
Movies Encourage Social Evils
Movies have a profound impact on our minds. In Britain, realistic war dramas created a renaissance in the film industry. In America, during the Second World War, movies were made that were heavily laced with the theme of patriotism and propaganda. Undoubtedly movies wield a tremendous influence on society. Movies have the greatest potential to be the most effective mass media instrument. Not just a means of entertainment, movies can also be the means of mass instruction and mass education. As movies combine primarily both audio and video and are very appealing to the eyes and ears, and as such have a lasting effect on the audience. The audience also gets emotionally involved through the course of the movie with its different characters.
Now with all the technological advancements anyone can either go ahead and watch a movie online or download all the movies that they want from plentiful websites that are available. Movies have the potential not just to convey positive messages but can also negatively impact the mindset of youngsters. Specifically, the amount of violence that is present in movies has have had a negative impact. The news of shootings in the school, homicides committed by youths at such an early age is alarming. On interrogation, many juvenile offenders have admitted that they were influenced by certain movies and followed those sequences while committing the crime. These young teenagers simply imitate the behaviors depicted in the movies like stabbing or shooting without thinking of the consequences of their actions because the movies don’t tell them what will happen once they are done with their negative actions.
How Can Movies Help In Fighting Social Evils?
One other aspect that has negatively impacted the youth is the use of drugs, alcohol, and smoking scenes in the movies. Young moviegoers are also curious and as a natural process these kids grow up with desires. There is always an urge to experiment with the unknown; the thought is very invigorating and thrilling. In search of this thrill, youngsters fall into a trap from where their life goes into a downward spiral. Close to the heels of drug abuse is premature sex and sexual abuse that has become quite rampant. Drugs and the urge to imitate scenes from the movies have mostly led to not just premature sex, but serious offenses against women. Some are so gory that it sends a shiver down the spine.
It might sound too harsh to blame everything negative on movies when movies are made taking a cue from real life most of the time. However, according to Psychology, the human brain has something known as the "negative bias". The human brain is built with a greater sensitivity to unpleasant news. During the research, it was found that the human brain reacts more strongly to stimuli it considers negative. There is a greater surge in the brain's electrical activity, thus our attitudes are more heavily influenced by downbeat news than good news and when this information is passed on through audiovisual the impact is even more profound. Hence movies that show too much violence, drugs, and are sexual plays a great role in negatively impacting the mind of the masses.
It is indeed a matter of great concern and moviemakers have a great responsibility to ensure that they make movies responsibly. Producers, directors, and actors try to make movies on social issues; however, it is important to treat the movie in such a way that the moral of the story or the actual message does not get overshadowed by the negative characters and their portrayal. Though the perspective of the viewer is important we cannot deny the moral responsibility of the movie maker to treat the movie and the story responsibly so that it does not add more to the already prevailing desensitivity in our society.
No Social Evils Are Encouraged by Movies
Though it is true that some films may portray or even exalt various societal illnesses like crime, violence, drug usage, and other bad habits, it would be oversimplified to say that films in general promote social evils. Actually, a lot of films are warning stories that highlight the negative effects of such behaviour and promote moral behaviour and good ideals.
Cinema mostly serves to observe and critique society, frequently by holding up a mirror to its inadequacies and weaknesses. Filmmakers can spread knowledge of these problems and start vital discussions by presenting societal injustices on screen. Complex social issues can be made personal by films, which promote empathy and understanding over judgement or indifference.
Furthermore, films are creations of their historical and cultural settings; they do not exist in a vacuum. Frequently reflecting the difficulties and reality of the era in which they were created, they are not the main source of social ills. Films on political instability, prejudice, or poverty, for example, offer a critical perspective on these subjects rather than promoting them.
Furthermore, it is important to understand that viewers are capable of critical thought and can tell fact from fiction. Acknowledging the sensitive or mature nature of their work, responsible filmmakers frequently include disclaimers or content warnings. Age limits and rating systems also serve to make sure that impressionable young viewers who might find it difficult to distinguish fantasy from reality cannot see some films.
Moreover, a lot of films aggressively support moral teachings and good values, which makes them effective instruments for social change and education. Movies that address difficult moral quandaries or examine the fallout from immoral behaviour can encourage viewers to live more moral lives. The promotion of tolerance and human rights as well as awareness of injustice has been greatly aided by classics like "To Kill a Mockingbird" and "Schindler's List"
Lastly, films that might portray societal problems should be evaluated for their artistic value as well as their cultural value. The hard facts of the human experience are frequently reflected in works of art, thus limiting or restricting such expressions could be considered as a kind of censorship that restricts our capacity to express ourselves creatively and to discuss challenging subjects.
In conclusion, it is oversimplified to argue that some films intentionally promote such actions, even if they may show social ills. Films can be very effective instruments for social criticism, instruction, and cultural expression; they can also inspire constructive change and increase awareness of significant problems. Films should be approached critically and discerningly, realising their ability to spark intelligent conversation and advance moral principles, rather than being dismissed or condemned outright.
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