Hard Work Beats Talent
Anubha Das | 13 Mar, 2017

People can generally be classified into two groups those who have talents and those who do not have talent to do something.
A really talented person succeeds in his work. He makes use of his abilities appropriately and achieves good grades. He is confident of doing his work. He uses his tools in the right way, even if they are not excellent.
At the same time, if a less talented person even if given excellent tools, fails to achieve good results. His talents are limited. He tries to find lame excuses for his failure to achieve good results. He blames his tools for the unfinished work he has done. He does not want to admit that he is a bad workman. He deliberately forgets the fact that his talents are limited.
This is perhaps most evident in a student who does not do well in his examinations. Instead of looking for reasons within himself, he looks outside for someone or something to blame such as a difficult question paper, a leaky pen or a wrathful examiner. Similarly a dancer who fails to perform well on a particular event attributes his poor performance to the incompetent musicians, accompanists or to the poor stage management.
While the former blames the opportunities and people around him for his failure, the latter without complaint utilizes and succeeds in life.
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