Role of Leadership in Student’s Life
Bhavna Sharma | 18 Mar, 2017

Students are a bunch of beautiful flowers who blossom with a lot of learning and training. They require mentoring at each step of their lives so that they can spread their wings and fly high in the sky. Here, leadership is one such quality which comes into play to make them understand rules of success and failure. Schools follow an amazing process to inculcate sense of leadership amongst students. It ensures continuous and comprehensive learning for students. Students are chosen to become captain of sports team, head boy/head girl, monitor of class, etc. and thus encouraging leadership skills.
Leadership plays a crucial role in life of a student. It is one of the deciding factors in formation of confidence in students which is highly required in their professional lives. Leadership is that value which makes a student best out of the rest. If children want to reach success then they should practice leadership activities. They should participate in as much activities as they can and should earn certificates. As said “All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy”. All the time being in studies will not be able to develop leadership. Therefore, to build leading qualities, co – curricular activities and sports should become a part of every student. This is going to boost confidence and leadership skills.
Whether it is corporate, politics, sports, media, entertainment or any other industry, every field requires people of high motivation value and leadership skills. Apart from spreading influence on others, leadership is also important for self awareness, discipline and self – independence. Thus, “Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence.”
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