Student Article / Academic

Freedom is Poetry

Freedom is Poetry

Anubha Das

27 Sep, 2016

Many individuals like to play, play withwords. Poetry is a form of literature that uses regular quality of words to conveya deeper significance to be felt and seen by others. Individuals use languageto put across their thoughts, feeling, ideas & perspectives. Poetry shouldalso be taught in schools as students can gain a greater perceptive, not onlyof literature and language, but of themselves & the world they live in.Poetry increase students’ literacy & grammatical knowledge. Studying poetrycan assist in increasing their oral & written vocabularies as well.

These days, students have become very keenabout poetry. Poetry encourages conveying themselves innovatively.It promotes literacy & buildscommunity. And cross limits that little else can. Students get to paintsketches of their lives using symbol, descriptions & so on. They are ableto express themselves in a very creative and persuasive way, because poetry isa language which is distilled & powerful of its own. Poetry makes anindividual feel part of something noble & stunning.

Poetry is when emotions have found itsthought & the thought has found words that give freedom to literature.
